An American makes plans to move to Taiwan.


Cheap Flights To Taiwan

Well Jess just bought her ticket to Taiwan. On short notice before Christmas- that's an expensive ticket, well over what I paid for my first trip, which was around $1100 US. So I decided its probably a good idea to start looking for a ticket.

If I have a flight date set to august or September I think it will motivate me even more to get my act together. I have 2 freelance things going but I still don't have an everyday job. I think I said before I wanted to get together 4 - 6 thousand. I think the minimum I would want to go with would be 3k. I wanted to have at least 1k if I need to make an escape flight. I know a lot of people have come to Taiwan with basically nothing and been successful but I just don't like to risk things that way.

So I looked on Travelocity, Expedia, and Priceline for the prices in September and august. The winning price I found was on for Monday, September 17th 2007 - for $665 (one-way) from BWI (Baltimore) to TPE (Taipei.)

It seems that within July - September you get a range from around $700 - $1000 for a one way ticket. Monday flights seem to be cheapest and really, cheap is all I care about in this case.

Another thing that's cool is the $665 flight only stops once, in Korea. Last time we stopped in Chicago and in Japan, so this will be a different route. I can add another country to my list (although I know it barely counts.) Well anyway, I still have enough to buy the ticket right now but if I don't hurry up and start earning some real money I won't be able to get to my goal savings in time for September.

I just need to get more applications out- I have done a few, but they were longshots. Gotta keep thinking of my goals!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude,

Check out this website: b4 and after you make your move. It's got tons of info like an expansion pac of Michael Turton's Teacing Eng in TW site and it's got ppl interacting with each other making you feel you blend in.

maybe you know this site already from What'up in TW.

3:58 PM

Blogger Ian A. said...

Hey thabks - actually I allready know that site - I post on there under my name - Ian_Alexander

Its a really good site- should be helpful to all Taiwaneers!

7:54 PM


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