An American makes plans to move to Taiwan.


Preparing for Taiwan

Currently I am living with Jess across the street from the college we graduated from. By the end of the month I will be moved into my dad's house. This will allow me to save money (no rent) and I will also be able to help my parents with their projects. My mom is moving to a new house and my dad needs to fix up some things in his place. So now I need to chart out my goals in preparing for Taiwan, and for the next months living here.

  • Get a new job to earn money for the ticket and rent in Taiwan.
  • Make sure paperwork is in order, I need a renewable Visa.
  • Find a place in Taiwan to live, needs to be affordable and near to jobs/transportation.
  • Find some prospective jobs in Taiwan, just to get a headstart on getting set-up.
  • Review the process, make sure I have up to date info on ARCs and work permits.
  • Language training, go over the details of English grammar, as well as learning more basic Chinese.
  • Find a good time, get a plane ticket that is cheap and also arrives at a good time in the season.
I'll be adding to this list as I think of more things. Leave me a comment with any other suggestions.

I am also going to try to get a little more in shape, I am still only about 160 lbs which is an OK weight for me, but I am feeling really week. I get gassed after doing really minor physical things, I probably could do with some jogging or bike riding. I am also going to be doing a little freelance web design, hopefully in the next week or so I will be doing an assignment. I created the Galerie Francoise ESF website a while back and will be getting it up to date for the client.

I have a lot to do in the next 6 month in order to get ready but one thing I am not sure about is my 'confidence level.' I am not the MOST independant guy in the world. I like to ask for help with things and can often be really shy in new situations. I think my #1 worry in going to Taiwan is that I won't be bold enough to get what I want/need and deal with some of the more pushy Taiwanese practices. I guess I am hoping that I will just be able to 'do what I gotta do' when the time comes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no need to worry...
haha Taiwanese are very hospitable, so just come and feel it! :D what city do you plan to stay at?
Good luck!

5:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Renting a house in Taiwan is not a problem.
How much and what knid house do you want ?You'd better plan in your mind.
In Taipei ,of ocurse,it is more expensive.
As for job,if you want to work about design.You can try to send you resume to some local desination company.
or other like this.
Good luck.I like your desination .

3:46 PM


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