Well I have been here at my dads place for about 2 weeks now, I've basically got myself settled in now- feeling better about my new situation. I have been trying to not make it obvious, but this has really been a big change for me. I went from being pretty independant, living with my girlfriend, working and going to school, to living with my dad in a different city- no more school, have to get a new job. It sorta makes me feel like I did when I was 8. My parents got divorced I had to move and switch schools, a very different neihborhood too, going from a house on a street with one white kid to an apartment with 20 black kids around. That was pretty crazy but after a little while I liked it much better than the old place.
I need to find a job now but I haven't really been looking. I just got my second to last pay check from my old job. I still have money in my ususal bank account so I am not on the verge of death by any means. But I am just not feeling as motivated as I used to. Thats prolly because Jess used to beat me into shape whenever I needed to do something- I know it drove her crazy but it helped me a lot. I always liked to think I helped her relax more, but I guess I don't know.
I was working on my website some more so I can show people when I am trying to get a design job:
http://susantangdesign.com/ian_portfolio/intro.htmIt also looks like I will be getting more work from Mary Jo over at
http://www.galeriefrancoiseesf.com/So I guess I'll be looking for computer and computer art related jobs - I just gotta get started!!