An American makes plans to move to Taiwan.


Episode 1 has been posted!

After a long time and a lot of work, it is completed and online! Check it out:

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang... that's a big Guan Yu statue! Guan Yu is like the symbol of chilvary of Chinese culture, also the God of War/martial arts. You see him in many Chinese restaurants, especially in front of the door. I think this is to ward off people who are troublemakers in the restauruants. I mean c'mon, if you are going to start trouble and you are greeted by a guy with green armour and a red face you better watch it buddy... lol.


11:07 PM

Blogger Bicyclesidewalk said...

The intro wow! That must have taken some time to make - really liked the info along the way and all the great images of where you live. I have been in Taipei for about a month - so far so good - looking forward to the next episode.

5:29 AM


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